Staff Mangement | SMX Q2 2024 Recruiting & Wages Report

July 16, 2024

As Q2 came to a close, the state of the job market remained tumultuous at best. While many were hopeful after the market seemed to level off for a few months, Q2 proved to be more difficult than anticipated. 

Overall, the market seems to be trying to right itself in a fluctuating and somewhat unpredictable landscape. 

Struggling to attract, hire and retain qualified employees? We can help. 

Staff Management | SMX are experts at finding the best people for our clients. Whether you need new recruitment ideas or a team to handle your hiring events, we have your back. Our passion is connecting people with work and our teams work tirelessly to hire in new and creative ways. With Staff Management | SMX, you can rest easy knowing you always have qualified people to do the job. 

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