
Download Hiring Veterans at Your Company: A Quick Guide

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Hiring Veterans at Your Company: A Quick Guide

October 26, 2022 Casey Nighbor

Members of the military make countless sacrifices to keep this country safe. But when they are back home, transitioning into civilian life can often be difficult. 

This is especially true when it comes to finding employment. Many veterans may feel that their skill sets do not translate easily into civilian jobs. 

However, many veterans are uniquely qualified to become truck drivers but may not realize it. With some recruiting tweaks and the right resources in place, you can provide veterans with new job opportunities as drivers. 

We’ve put together a quick guide to help you attract, hire and help veterans transition into truck driving with ease.

About the Author

About Casey: Content marketing manager, frequently reading, aspiring chef, failed plant mom, connoisseur of tater tots, beauty products and airplane food.

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