Staff Management | SMX, a leader in the staffing industry, was named a Gold winner in the Most Innovative Crisis Management Program of the Year category in the 2020 Best in Biz Awards for its drive-through hiring events, an innovative and creative way to recruit, interview and hire during a pandemic, while keeping applicants and recruiters safe and healthy.
Combining technology from its Stafftrack® solution and safety measures that allowed recruiters to go beyond one-at-a-time video interviews, Staff Management | SMX’s drive-thru hiring events have helped people across five states apply for jobs, interview safely and often get hired on the spot. Applicants could complete applications online using the Stafftrack® mobile solution before driving to the site. They parked and interviewed through an open window or outside with proper social distancing and masks. The recruiting team also wore masks and used hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray. The events focused on essential businesses and areas hard hit by unemployment.
“I applaud our Staff Management | SMX team for creating a way to connect workers with the essential businesses that needed them,” said Carl Schweihs, president of TrueBlue’s PeopleManagement division, which oversees Staff Management | SMX. “By holding safe hiring events, our teams were able to hire more people and help keep essential businesses open and the supply chain moving. I am incredibly proud of our team for receiving this award.”
The Best in Biz Awards is an independent business award program judged each year by prominent editors and reporters from top-tier publications in North America. The awards recognize achievement in more than 90 different categories, including Company of the Year, Most Resilient Company, Fastest-Growing Company, Most Innovative Company, Best Place to Work, Customer Service Department, Executive of the Year, Operations Executive, Most Innovative Product, Enterprise Product, Best New Product, App, CSR Program, Crisis Management Program, Marketing Program and Annual Report of the Year.
“In this wild year, it’s amazing to see companies still innovating, adapting, and thriving,” said Christopher Null of Wired, who has judged seven of the past ten Best in Biz Awards programs. “There’s so much in the business world that is inspirational right now.”