Case Study

Efficient Sourcing Process Yields New Hire in Less Than Two Weeks

This Chinese-based company designs and manufactures high-quality foam bedding products and employs over 3,000 people worldwide. Due to its centralized location and pro-business environment, the company chose Nashville to open their first US manufacturing facility. This new facility was projected to create 350 jobs within the community.


This client had an immediate need for a Maintenance Manager to head the start-up process within the facility. The ideal candidate would possess experience in and knowledge of machine operations and maintenance as well as the ability to implement a new maintenance program from the ground up. Adding to the challenge was the client’s anticipated start date of less than four weeks.


We expedited the sourcing process by developing a clear, succinct list of must-haves and only reaching out to candidates who met all of these requirements. Knowing that our client wanted these jobs to benefit members of the community, we kept our search local and only sourced candidates who lived within a close proximity to the facility.

Because of this limitation, we expanded our search to include passive candidates – those who were currently employed and not actively searching for a new job but who met all of the hiring requirements.

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