There was no movie at the Staff Management | SMX Drive In. But the participants were just as happy to be there.
With recruiting becoming a challenge thanks to COVID-19, many teams are looking for ways to interview and hire safely. The Staff Management | SMX recruiting team at an online retailer in Pennsylvania found a way. They set up a Drive In Hiring Event in the retailer’s parking lot.
Applicants completed their applications online before driving in or submitted them using the company’s iPads or their cellphones. They then interviewed through an open window, while practicing proper social distancing. Everyone wore masks and the recruiting team also had gloves and a lot of hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray.
“The client supported us by making signs directing people where to go. They also coned off a specific area for us,” said Staff Management | SMX Director of Operations Karen Lakatos, who conceived the event with Director of Business Solutions Chris Katchur. “We weren’t sure what the turnout was going to be. We were hoping people would be more comfortable coming out and not having to enter a building for an interview.”
And they were. Attendance was high as interviewees welcomed the opportunity to safely interview for jobs. On the first day, the Staff Management | SMX team hired 35 new associates – more than their average weekly numbers for previous weeks. On day two, despite sunny weather and newly reopened parks and golf courses, they hired 15 people.
“Safely interviewing potential associates is critical right now,” said Staff Management | SMX Senior Vice President and General Manager Jerry Wimer. “The creative way our recruiters found to interview and hire for our client is both inspiring and impressive. I’m thrilled that this event was such a success and we look forward to building on that and hosting these events at our locations across the country.”