To celebrate Easter this year, the Staff Management | SMX teams in Indiana held five drive-through hiring and community events — with a twist. Instead of a recruiter greeting attendees as they drove in, the Easter bunny did the honors.
“Having the Easter bunny greet people driving up made everyone happy, ,” said Heather Phelps, recruitment operations manager for Staff Management | SMX. “Being able to bring not only joy to our communities, but job opportunities made it even more special.”
Across events in Greenfield, Greencastle, Columbus, Lafayette and Jeffersonville, kids and adults alike had a great time taking pictures with the Easter bunny and entering raffles for great prizes like bicycles, sandwiches and gift cards to local businesses. While kids met the Easter bunny and enjoyed treats from local food trucks, the teams hired more than 50 people out of the more than 500 who attended.
With a hiring rate of 10 percent and the goodwill in the community that comes with fun events for kids and adults alike, the teams will continue hosting fun hiring events each month. Their goal is to meet with 6000 people this year – and keep up hiring rate.
One way they will do that is to continue with the costumed special guests. Each month, the teams will host a special guest at events in their parking lots. Next up: Captain America will visit the sites in May.